Fr Shenan Boquet: reversing the revolution starts with absolute truths (with VIDEO)

Fr Shenan Boquet, President of Human Life International, encouraged delegates at the 3rd International Rome Life Forum to have the courage to “put out into the deep” (Lk 5:4) in order to combat the “breakdown in the Church herself in living her mission”.

Stressing the importance of being courageous and uncompromising in the proclamation of Catholic teaching on marriage and the family he said “if you are going to retake the culture, to undo the revolution… to change minds and hearts, it starts in that absolute, it must start in that absolute reality that life is a gift and that it must be protected at all costs.”

Reflecting on his visits to nearly 60 nations as head of HLI he said “what I see among my brother priests, what I witness among bishops” is “a crisis of faith” and “a fear of preaching Jesus Christ”. With reference to Church structures he warned of “intimidation, lots of intimidation, bully tactics” along with “an abuse of power” and “an abuse of authority”.

Following the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia pro-life and pro-family Catholics must, Fr Boquet urged, “unite in calling the Church back to her mission… the simple mission, the salvation of souls” and “pray earnestly for our shepherds, to pray for them from the heart, and to love them”. The best response to those who “we see causing harm” is to “love the enemy… this is where the transformation of the Church and the world happens, when I can love that person” he continued “I am a free man and a free man can conquer”.

Fr Boquet’s full address can be viewed below:

