Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro on the Synod’s working document

Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula, Doctor of Dogmatic Theology and head of the Rome office of Human Life International (HLI), written some Reflections on the Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod of Bishops.  Among other things, he writes:

  • “This is a document that presents a series of suggestions to serve as a basis for the work of the Bishops, therefore this is not a binding document, and as a result it is open to a respectful consideration by the faithful.”
  • “A mercy that hides the truth is not merciful, it would only be a caricature.”
  • “It is disturbing to note that the document in some way accepts the position that contemporary man does not have a fixed and permanent nature…”
  • “[The Instrumentum Laboris] proposes to mix rational arguments with biblical arguments that it is an approach that is not appropriate from a logical point of view … . I hope that the members of the synod understand the permanent importance of natural law and that its abandonment would bring many negative consequences.”
  • [Regarding situations of canonical irregularity]: “Faced with this question of the faithful, the Church with pastoral zeal, love and patience, should try to get a true conversion of these faithful, making them take the path of penance and help to get rid of the irregular situation in which they find themselves.”
  • “The proposal to consider the practice of some Orthodox churches, which opens the way for a second or third marriage with a ceremony of penitential character (p. 95) is clearly not acceptable for doctrinal reasons…”