New documentary exposes global threat to children from “comprehensive sex education”

Family Watch International has produced a new documentary, The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Agenda, which is essential viewing for everyone concerned about the healthy physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of children. One of the many experts interviewed in the video, Michelle Cretella MD, President of the American College of Pediatricians, sums up well the problems with the “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” programmes being pushed by the United Nations, international agencies and national governments worldwide. She identifies the four major threats posed by such programmes:

  1. They sexualise children
  2. They threaten childrens’ health
  3. They promote a dangerous “gender” ideology
  4. They undermine the parent-child relationship and violate parental rights

The well-being of children is being sacrificed on the altar of the ideology of the sexual revolution. The nature of this ideology can be clearly seen in the World Health Organisation’s “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”. These guidelines suggest the following topics should be taught to children who fall into the specified age brackets:


“enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body”

“early childhood masturbation”

“right to explore gender identities”


“same-sex relationships”

“respect for different norms regarding sexuality”

9 – 12

“differences between gender identity and biological sex”

“sexual rights” as “defined by IPPF [International Planned Parenthood Federation]”


“acceptance and celebration of sexual differences”

“violation of sexual rights”

“right to abortion”

PLEASE NOTE: The content of this video is not suitable for children or adolescents


The video also refers to “It’s All One Curriculum”. This programme, which is in use in at least 150 countries worldwide, and in all 50 US states, promotes destructive and immoral practices such abortion, contraception, homosexual acts, prostitution and masturbation. It attacks traditional understandings of masculinity and femininity, the institution of marriage and calls for “enforcement of laws… including in the face of opposition from conservative or religious movements”.

This programme, and many others like it, are being used in thousands of schools around the world, including in Catholic schools. Parents, who have an inalienable right to act as the primary educators of their children, are faced with the urgent necessity of educating themselves about the grave threat posed to their children by “comprehensive sex education”.

This need for parents to take action is especially urgent in the light of growing influence of the anti-family lobby within the Vatican. Voice of the Family has previously drawn attention to workshops held in the Vatican, under the auspices of the Pontifical Academy of Science (PAS) in November 2015 to discuss how to use children as “agents of change” to implement environmentalism and “sustainable development.” The Sustainable Development Goals include calls for universal access to “reproductive health”, a term which includes access to contraception, including abortifacient forms, and is used by many international bodies to refer to other methods of abortion as well. At this event representatives of Pope Francis met with some of the world’s leading proponents of population control, such as Dr Jeffrey Sachs, special adviser to Ban Ki-Moon to discuss common action. In its briefing for the event the Pontifical Academy of Science warned against “parents” and “agencies” that “basing themselves on religious principles, oppose scientific evidence to the detriment of children.”

Furthermore, the right of parents to fulfill their role as the primary educators of their children was gravely undermined in both the Instrumentum Laboris and the Final Report of the Ordinary Synod on the Family. The rights of parents were also undermined by the encyclical letter Laudato Si. This document, in its six paragraphs  on “Educating for the Covenant Between Humanity and the Environment” (209-215), makes no reference at all to parents, despite the work of education being primarily their responsibility.
