Voice of the Family appeal: Please pray for the Church at this critical hour

Thank you to all those who have taken part in the Voice of the Family prayer campaign. Your prayers for the Synod Fathers, and for our own work, are more appreciated than we can possibly express.

On the eve of the Ordinary Synod, which will be held in Rome from 4 – 25 October 2015, your prayers are more necessary than ever. The prepared agenda for the Synod, the Instrumentum Laboris, constitutes a direct attack on the fundamentals of Catholic teaching on human sexuality, marriage and the family. In our analysis of this document we reveal that the document threatens the integrity of Catholic doctrine by:

– undermining the doctrine of Humanae Vitae by proposing a false understanding of the relationship between conscience and the moral law (paragraph 137)

– discussing artificial methods of reproduction without giving any judgement on the morality of such methods or making any reference to previous Catholic teaching, or to the enormous loss of human life that results from their use (paragraph 34)

– proposing the admission of the “divorced and remarried” to Holy Communion without amendment of life (paragraphs 120-125)

– reducing the indissolubility of marriage to the level of an “ideal” (paragraph 42)

– suggesting that cohabitation and “living together” have “positive aspects” and can, to some extent, be considered legitimate forms of union (paragraphs 57, 61, 63, 99, 102)

– preparing the ground for the acceptance of same-sex unions by acknowledging the need to define “the specific character of such unions in society” (paragraph 8)

– denying the full rights of parents regarding the provision of sex education to their children (paragraph 86)

In the face of this assault on the Mystical Body of Christ, perpetrated by those who hold authority at the very highest level of the Church, the faithful must have recourse to prayer. We ask all our friends and supporters to pray ardently:

  • For the Holy Father, that he might fulfill his ministry as Successor of St Peter by confirming his brethren in the Faith
  • For all cardinals and bishops, especially those attending the Synod, that they may be resolute in defending and proclaiming the teaching of Christ
  • For Voice of the Family, and all faithful clergy and laity, that Almighty God might bless our work for the Church and make it fruitful
  • For all souls who are confused and scandalised by the betrayal of the Gospel by prelates who abuse the offices they hold in the Church

Please pray now for the Church and for the work of Voice of the Family, that it might bear good fruit

Pope Leo XIII recommended Catholics to invoke the aid of St Joseph, patron and protector of the universal Church, in the month of October after praying the Holy Rosary. St Joseph defended the Holy Family when they were driven into exile by the political and religious authorities of their day. May families today receive his powerful assistance against threats from within the Church and the state.

To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we have recourse in our tribulation, and having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we confidently invoke thy patronage also. By that charity wherewith thou wast united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly affection with which thou didst embrace the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray, that thou wouldst look graciously upon the inheritance which Jesus Christ hath purchased by His Blood, and assist us in our needs by thy power and strength.

Most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; keep far from us, most loving father, all blight of error and corruption: mercifully assist us from heaven, most mighty defender, in this our conflict with the powers of darkness; and, even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the supreme peril of his life, so now defend God’s Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; keep us one and all under thy continual protection, that we may be supported by thine example and thine assistance, may be enabled to lead a holy life, die a happy death and come at last to the possession of everlasting blessedness in heaven. Amen.

Some encouragement from St Alphonsus Liguori

“Since, therefore (as St. Augustine exhorts us), we have to do with a Lord of infinite power and infinite riches, let us not go to him for little and valueless things, but let us ask some great thing of him: ‘You seek from the Almighty — seek something great.’ If a man went to a king to ask some trumpery coin, like a farthing, I think, that man would but insult his king. On the other hand, we honor God, we honor his mercy, and his liberality, when, though we see how miserable we are, and how unworthy of any kindness, we yet ask for great graces, trusting in the goodness of God, and in his faithfulness to his promises of granting to the man who prays whatever grace he asks: Whatsoever you will, ask, and it shall be done unto you (Jn 15,7).

“…God, when he is asked, gives his good things ‘abundantly,’ that is, with a generous hand, always giving more than is asked, because his wealth is infinite, and the more he gives the more he has to give: For you, O Lord, are sweet and mild; and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon you (Ps.,85,5). You, O my God, said David, are but too liberal and kind to him that invokes you; the mercies which you pour upon him are superabundant, above all he asks.”

(From Prayer: The Great Means of Salvation and of Perfection)

