Pope Francis “gratified” by UN goals that demand “universal access to sexual and reproductive health”
2 September 2016

Pope Francis has said that he is “gratified” by UN goals that call on member states to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health” by 2030. The term “sexual and reproductive health”, as generally defined, includes access to contraception, including abortifacient methods, and, often, other forms of abortion. In a message entitled “For the celebration of the world day of prayer for the care of creation” Pope Francis stated that he was “gratified that in September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, and that, in December 2015, they approved the Paris Agreement on climate change”.
The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, agreed by nation states in September 2015, consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, which will determine the direction of international aid and action until 2030. These goals were endorsed by the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The Sustainable Development Goals call on member states to:
“ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs” (Goal 3 Target 7)
The term “sexual and reproductive health care services” is defined by United Nation bodies as including contraception, including forms that have an abortifacient mode of effect. The United Nations Population Fund states that “sexual and reproductive health” includes access for all to “the safe, effective, affordable and acceptable contraception method of their choice”. Furthermore it is used by many international governments, including that of the United States, and by agencies such as Planned Parenthood, to include other forms of abortion.
The World Health Organisation also considers abortion to be integral to “sexual and reproductive health”. The WHO:
“develops norms, tools and guidelines on reproductive health in general and abortion services in particular, and supports countries in reforming their health systems. Its role includes:
- distributing existing evidence on abortion;
- assisting Member States in evaluating health systems’ response to the needs of women with unwanted pregnancies;
- promoting methodology in quality control of abortion services; and
- training of trainers in, for example, counselling and abortion care.”
The WHO, as part of its work to promote “sexual and reproductive health”, actively works to “improve access to abortion and the quality of their abortion services” in “countries such as Ireland”, which currently have restrictive abortion laws.
The implementation of the SDG’s call to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services” will necessarily involve the further extension of attempts by UN agencies and international organisations to radically increase contraception use and access to abortion worldwide. It will be instructive therefore to consider what is already being done in the name of “universal access to sexual and reproductive health care”.
The “Maputo Plan of Action for the Operationalisation of the Continental Policy Framework for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” aimed at “Universal Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Africa”. It was produced in 2006 following a special session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health in Maputo, Mozambique.
The document specifically identified “Abortion Care” as an integral part of sexual and reproductive health. It’s plan of action for “Implementing the Continental Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy Framework ” included the following resolutions:
5.2.1a Train service providers in the provision of comprehensive safe abortion care services where national law allows
5.2.2 Refurbish and equip facilities for provision of comprehensive abortion care services
5.3.1a Provide safe abortion services to the fullest extent of the law
5.3.2 Educate communities on available safe abortion services as allowed by national laws
The “Maputo Plan of Action” targets for attaining “universal access to sexual and reproductive health” explicitly included access to “family planning” and “emergency contraception”. The document also specifically targets children, stating that “Addressing the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth” is a key component of sexual and reproductive health.”
The “Maputo Plan” is one of many projects in which the promotion of abortion and contraception is integral to efforts to achieve “universal access to sexual and reproductive health” around the world. The implementation of the SDGs will lead to the further spread of abortion and contraception worldwide, bringing about the deaths of countless numbers of unborn children and causing immense harm to individuals and societies.
Pope Francis has professed himself “gratified” by international targets that will result in unimaginable devastation and suffering for an untold number families around the world.
This is perhaps the most tragic example of the now well-entrenched collaboration between the Holy See and the world’s leading proponents of abortion, contraception and population control, under the guise of promoting sustainable development. A selection of Voice of the Family’s commentary on this collaboration can be found below.
Holy See rep “welcomes” UN target for “universal access to sexual and reproductive health”, 3 June 2016
Pro-family Catholics disturbed after reports of pope’s comments on contraception, 18 February 2016
Climate agreement welcomed by pope but pro-lifers concerned about language that promotes abortion, 22 December 2015
Cardinal Turkson: Pope Francis “has invited people to some form of birth control”, 10 December 2015
‘Sacrilege’: Catholic leaders react to Vatican’s climate change light show, 9 December 2015
Synod adopts alarming sociological approach in place of clear doctrine, 12 November 2015
Voice of the Family statement: Parents are the primary educators of their children, 15 October 2015
Synod fathers who compromise on contraception will be responsible for greater abortion, 6 October 2015
African families gravely threatened by western governments, international agencies and Vatican departments, 18 August 2015
Professor Schellnhuber: climate science and the population problem, 26 June 2015
Voice of the Family statement on the encyclical letter Laudato Si, 18 June 2015
Any discussion on the environment must stem from understanding that the family is the key to sustainable development, 21 May 2015
Vatican endorsement of UN Sustainable Development Goals threatens unborn children, 29 April 2015
Leading global pro-abortion advocates speak at Vatican conference, 28 April 2015