Rome youth pilgrimage 2019
12 July 2019
Apply for Voice of the Family’s 2nd annual Rome youth pilgrimage – scholarships available!
Voice of the Family invites young Catholic adults to take part in its second annual youth programme in Rome on Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019.
Widespread and profound confusion on matters of faith and morals, even within the Church, means that the formation of a new generation of Catholic leaders is now vital to the future of the pro-life movement. Through the international youth programme, Voice of the Family seeks to identify prospective leaders and offer them the formation and fellowship that would help them to defend the unchangeable teachings of the Catholic Church in years to come. The young Catholics adults, who will take part of the programme, therefore, receive a specific invitation to give their lives (in whatever vocation they choose) to work full-time for the apostolate of restoring the Church to Christ through His Holy Mother.
Click here to see the videos and talks of last year.
The participants are expected to fully participate in all planned activities. The schedule will be as follows:
Created for Heaven: the mission of Catholic young adults in today’s world
Rome, 27 Sept – 3 Oct 2019
- Sept 27: Arrive in Rome
- Sept 28: Public witness
- Sept 29: Sunday (a day of rest, no fixed programme)
- Sept 30: Seven churches pilgrimage
- Oct 1: Conference Day 1
- Oct 2: Conference Day 2
- Oct 3: Depart from Rome
The ideal participants:
- Are between the ages of 18-29
- Have a passion for the Catholic Church and evangelization
- Have a clear understanding of the Church’s teachings
- Desire to devote themselves to an apostolic activity in service of the Church
- Must have a valid passport and be able to travel between Sept 27- October 3, 2019
Please fill out the application and attach your cover letter and resume. Applications are due August 1, 2019.
There are a limited number of full and partial scholarships available. Full scholarships will cover the participants’ return travel to Rome, conference fees, accommodation and meals in Rome. Partial scholarships will cover all expenses in Rome (conference fees, accommodation and meals). We will be in touch with all applicants in the first week of August.
Please apply here:
For further information, please contact: or +44 (0)20 7820 3126