Catholic Schools Watch: Autumn 2023
29 September 2023
Catholic Schools Watch is a Voice of the Family newsletter, launched in the summer of 2023 which reports on corrupting Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes promoted by Catholic authorities in various parts of the world — and calls on Catholics everywhere to give witness and to take vital action now.
Articles in this special edition of Catholic Schools Watch focus on the education resources and practical policies of the Irish bishops, reporting that:
- Slides on “sexual attraction” and “sex and marriage” encourage classroom discussion on masturbation, fornication, and various kinds of sexual relationships, without making clear their moral evil, and exposing young people and teachers to occasions of sin by engaging in (at best) inappropriate and (at worst) salacious discussion.
- The bishops bow to the Irish Government’s requirement to learn about “contraceptive options” by providing an essentially incorrect and dangerously misleading account of Church teaching in their teaching on “the gift of fertility”.
- Archbishop Eamon Martin pays lip-service to parents as primary educators by insisting that “all education partners” must also be consulted on the content of Relationships and Sexuality Education, turning RSE into a cross-curricular agenda from which it is impossible for parents to withdraw their children.
Every article in Catholic Schools Watch ends with suggested action you can take.
The danger to the Catholic faith and to the innocence of children is all the graver when the attacks come from the shepherds of the Church, whose primary responsibility is to go into the world “and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15).
Please read Catholic Schools Watch and take action to protect our children, by:
- writing to the Irish bishops’ conference to raise your concerns at
- checking your local Catholic school’s website for information on their Relationships and Sexuality policies and the content of their lessons
- raising any concerns you may have with the headteacher, parish priest, or local bishop
- keeping Voice of the Family informed so that we can share your experience through our outreach.
Click here to read the first issue of Catholic Schools Watch: Summer 2023.