Emptying the Cross of its power
BY Alan Fimister
“Whosoever would be saved before all else it is necessary that he profess the Catholic Faith which faith unless he…
READ MOREBY Alan Fimister
“Whosoever would be saved before all else it is necessary that he profess the Catholic Faith which faith unless he…
READ MOREBY Dom Prosper Guéranger
The joys of Christmastide seem to have fled far from us. The forty days of gladness brought us by the…
READ MOREBY Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalene OCD
PreludeO Jesus, give me light to understand the mystery and the value of Christian suffering.1Lent is approaching and our thoughts…
READ MOREBY Maria Madise
It is not every year that Christmastide and Septuagesima overlap. Seeing cribs still in place in churches while the priest…
READ MOREBY Roberto de Mattei
Among the thousands of travellers who crowd the Termini station in Rome every day, some stop by the nearby Basilica…
READ MOREBY a Dominican Friar
“The devil cometh and taketh the word out of their heart, lest believing they should be saved.”On Sexagesima Sunday, the…
On Saturday 28 February 1395, Isidore Glabas, bishop of Thessaloniki, in Northern Greece, preached a sermon in which he began…
READ MOREBY Dom Prosper Guéranger
As Septuagesima Sunday comes before Candlemas this year, we prepare for the end of Christmastide and the beginning of the…
READ MOREBY a Dominican Friar
“These last have worked one hour, and thou hast made them equal to us.”The parables of our Lord are always…
READ MOREBY Roberto de Mattei
This is the second part of the article begun in last week’s Digest, which was originally written by Professor Roberto…
READ MOREBY Voice of the Family
Catholics today may be familiar with the “Week of prayer for Christian unity”, from 18 to 25 January, as an…
READ MOREBY a Dominican Friar
Domine, non sum dignus — “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof…”These words of the…