African leader reduced to tears by Kasper’s Africa remarks; issues open letter

Obianuju “Uju” Ekeocha, founder of Culture of Life Africa (which is a member of Voice of the Family) has issued an open letter in response to Cardinal Kasper’s dismissive remarks – now conclusively authenticated – about the place of African bishops within the Synod on the Family. Uju writes:

“[I]magine my shock as I read the words of one of the most prominent Synod Fathers who implied that the views and values that our African Synod Fathers have expressed on certain issues will not or have not been listened to (probably by the synod fathers from the Western and more wealthy parts of the world).”

“Reading this interview brought tears to my eyes – and much sadness to my heart – because, as an African woman now living in Europe, I am used to having my moral views and values ignored or put down as an “African issue”or an “African view point”.”

“I, and millions of Africans like myself, have been raised to love the Church and to trust that the Church will always hold up the unchanging truth of the Gospel … Through this fidelity to the teachings of Christ, African churches have flourished and blossomed even in the midst of the most difficult tragedies, even in the most extreme conditions and in the face of a growing cultural imperialism from the Western nations.”

“[This imperialism has] become a heavy cultural noose around our neck which could very easily enslave us or destroy us if we resist. And this is why we weep and cry at the feet of all the synod Fathers to hear and respect the voices of our African synod Fathers on these issues that have been blown into Africa by a powerful wind from the West.”

“Respectfully and humbly I lay down my appeal at thy feet your Eminence.

Consider the tears of the poor who confidently turn to you.”

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Voice of the Family is an international lay coalition of major pro-life and pro-family organizations that has formed to offer expertise and resources to leaders of the church, the media, NGOs, and governments before, during, and after the Catholic Church’s Synod on the Family. The Synod will end on 19 October.
