CALX MARIAE issue 8 is now available

3 March 2020
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The spring issue of Calx Mariae (Heel of Mary), the quarterly magazine of Voice of the Family, is now available! Click here to see the preview of the contents page and here to order a copy or to subscribe.
This Spring 2020 edition focuses on the theme “Protecting the innocence of children: the Christian home at the heart of the decisive battle”, an especially important subject as the LGBT and reproductive “health” agenda extends its grip in schools throughout the world, including Catholic schools.
The Vatican has launched a Global Compact on Education, which is to be implemented through the structures of Catholic education, involving over 70 million children and young people. The signing of the pact by representatives of various world religions, international organisations and humanitarian institutions, as well as prominent academic, economic, political and cultural figures was originally scheduled for 14 May, but has now been postponed until October. According to the statement released by the Congregation for Catholic Education, responsible for organising the event, due to “the uncertainty linked to the spread of Coronavirus” the meeting is delayed “in order to allow the widest and most serene participation possible”.
What exactly is in the pact is yet unknown. But what we do know is what the key figures of the United Nations who have taken an interest in the initiative want the children to learn. We know what is in the working document and what Pope Francis has proposed with regard to education throughout his pontificate. We know the funding principles of some of the prospective partners who would help to provide the estimated $26 billion annual budget for the project. Even if the veil has not yet been lifted from the pact, we are able to connect these dots and predict what children and their families are going to be signed up to. Calx Mariae takes a closer look at what we know about the Global Education Pact so far.
The concept note for a Vatican workshop preparing for the Global Education Compact quoted UNICEF, saying that “educated girls are likely to marry later… They are more productive at home and better paid in the workplace, better able to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and more able to participate in decision-making at all levels. Additionally, this …furthers [Sustainable Development] Goals 2 and 3: universal primary education and gender equality”. Under Sustainable Development Goal no. 3, by 2030 UN member states are required to: “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services” – a term routinely used by UN bodies to radically increase the use of contraception and access to abortion worldwide. When girls are “educated” to delay marriage and protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, does this happen through abstinence or with (abortifacient) contraception? It is scandalous that pontifical institutions should offer a platform for these discussions, especially without presenting a definitive answer. Thus, the moral voice of the universal Church is lent to a global agenda that ridicules purity and sexualises children.
At Fatima, Our Lady showed the three little shepherds the terrifying vision of hell where the souls of poor sinners go. She revealed that it was sins against purity that lead most souls to hell. Today, a hundred years later, when sins against purity is state policy in the most powerful nations of the world and many Churchmen favour policies and school-based sex education that destroy the innocence of children, our commitment must be to recover the true wisdom of the Church and nurture the natural love of purity in her children.
We are at war and purity is both our weapon and our shield. In purity is power and strength. Purity wins — for we have the promise of Our Lady that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph. In the meantime, we must aspire to purity in the whole of life: faith and doctrine, holy orders, monastic life; personal and family life. Purity is the frontline of the counterrevolution. Order a copy or subscribe to Calx Mariae here!
Order your copy or make a subscription here!