The ‘Law of gradualness’ and the Synod mid-way report
Gradualness and the moral life It is common knowledge that turning our hearts to God and extricating ourselves from habitual…
READ MOREGradualness and the moral life It is common knowledge that turning our hearts to God and extricating ourselves from habitual…
READ MOREby John-Henry Westen (originally published on After the publication of an interview with Zenit News yesterday in which Cardinal…
READ MOREROME, 16 October 2014: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the archbishop of Vienna, today added further confusion to the already chaotic Synod…
READ MOREROME, 15 October 2014: Cardinal Walter Kasper should apologise for dismissive remarks, made in an interview published today, about African…
READ MORERorate Caeli, the widely-read Catholic blog, last night blogged about a report in La Repubblica, the Italian newspaper, that Cardinal Gerhard…
READ MOREROME, 15 October 2014: An urgent call for prayer worldwide for the Synod on the Family is being made by…
READ MOREROME, 14 October 2014: A growing coalition of pro-family organisations has welcomed Cardinal Raymond Burke’s strong call to Pope Francis…
READ MOREROME, 13 October 2014: An international coalition of pro-family groups has rejected the mid-way report of the Extraordinary Synod on…
READ MOREIf someone in Germany who is divorced and civilly remarried can receive Communion without being expected to change his lifestyle,…
READ MOREDuring the daily Holy See Synod press conference on October 8th Fr. Rosica explained what he believed to be “one…
READ MOREApart from the bevy of Cardinals and Synod Fathers saying very questionable things about communion for “remarried” Catholics in public,…
READ MOREI wish my mother and father were alive today to give witness at the Extraordinary Synod to the nature and…