Synod Fathers standing up for families: Kaigama and Osei-Bonsu (VIDEO)
10 October 2014
The Voice of the Family team had the honour of dining with Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama (Nigeria), and Bishop Joseph Osei-Bonsu (Ghana) at a gathering organised by Obianuju Ekeocha, of Culture of Life Africa. All present were united in gratitude towards these two courageous Catholic bishops, who with their strong example, are not only taking care of the African families, but are also defending the families in the West.
“Take away the family, take away the proper understanding of marriage, and society will collapse”
explained Archbishop Kaigama later that evening in an interview given to LifeSiteNews and Voice of the Family.
The two video interviews here show us the gift our families have received in these Synod Fathers, who have come from afar to preach truth in charity.
About Voice of the Family
Voice of the Family is an international lay coalition of major pro-life and pro-family organizations that has formed to offer expertise and resources to leaders of the church, the media, NGOs, and governments before, during, and after the Catholic Church’s Synod on the Family. The Synod will be held from October 5 to 19 in Rome. Read more about Voice of the Family
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