Synod’s Message ‘weak and ambiguous’, say family groups
18 October 2014

ROME, 18 October 2014: Today’s Message from the Extraordinary Synod on the Family is ‘weak and ambiguous’, says Voice of the Family an international coalition of pro-family groups.
The Synod’s Message, released today at a Vatican press conference, is a brief list of observations, generalisations and aspirations The Synod’s final Report – expected to be much more detailed – will be voted upon and published later this afternoon.
Maria Madise, Voice of the Family’s coordinator, said: “The Synod’s Message sends out weak and ambiguous signals about the Church’s stance on sexual morality. The Message should have contained a clear statement rejecting any openings to homosexuality, cohabitation, so-called ‘second marriages’, or contraception.
“The Synod has been marked by confusion and manipulation. On Monday Archbishop Bruno Forte, the Synod’s Special Secretary, drafted one of the worst documents in Church history, which caused scandal both inside and outside the Synod. Today the Synod issued a Message which is completely lacking in clarity. This Message is a lost opportunity to give families strong, clear pastoral leadership based on Christ’s words in the Gospel.”
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About Voice of the Family:
Voice of the Family can be contacted by email to or by telephone on +39 33 833 09443 (Italian mobile) or +44 (0)20 7820 3148 (UK landline)
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Voice of the Family is an international lay coalition of major pro-life and pro-family organizations that has formed to offer expertise and resources to leaders of the church, the media, NGOs, and governments before, during, and after the Catholic Church’s Synod on the Family. The Synod will be held from October 5 to 19 in Rome.
Voice of the Family consists of 18 member organizations from nine nations on five continents. Members include:
- Alfa Szövetség/Alpha Alliance
- Campagne Québec-Vie
- Campaign Life Catholics
- Campaign Life Coalition Canada
- Catholic Democrats
- Catholic Voice
- Culture of Life Africa
- European Life Network
- Famiglia Domani
- Family Life International NZ
- Hnutí Pro život ČR
- Human Life International (HLI)
- Liga pár páru ČR
- National Association of Catholic Families (NACF)
- Profesionales por la Ética
- Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
The following truths are at the heart of Voice of the Family’s work:
- Sacramental marriage, binding parents together in an indissoluble union, is the greatest protector of children both born and unborn.
- The artificial separation of the unitive and procreative dimensions of the sexual act is a major catalyst of the culture of death.
- Parents are the primary educators of their children and it is through the education and formation of parents, and future parents, that the culture of life will be built.
Voice of the Family has published a position paper for the Synod which in summary says:
- The Extraordinary Synod on the Family has been called to respond to the “widespread cultural, social and spiritual crisis”, which threatens the family today.
- The Synod provides an important opportunity to take concrete steps to address this crisis and give renewed impetus to the “New Evangelisation”.
- If the Synod is to be effective it is essential that the teaching of the Church is affirmed clearly and without ambiguity.
- All proposals which result from the Synod must be founded on the truths of the natural moral law and Divine Revelation.
Our position paper can also be read in: