Talks of the Rome Life Forum 2019
11 June 2019

The sixth annual Rome Life Forum was held from 16-17 May 2019 at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. The theme this year was “City of Man vs City of God – Global One World Order vs Christendom”.
The texts of this year’s lectures can be accessed through the links below.
A selection of texts will also be published in the next issue of the Voice of the Family’s magazine Calx Mariae that will be available from 18 June. Please click here to see the preview of the content page of the magazine and here to order a copy or to subscribe.
16 May 2019
Willem Jacobus Cardinal Eijk, Gender theory: a threat to the family and the announcement of the Christian faith
Prof. Roberto de Mattei, Mysterium iniquitatis: from one world order to global chaos
John-Henry Westen, Finding hope in the midst of the revolution
H.E. Bishop Athanasius Schneider, The hopelessness of the city of man without God
Anthony Murphy, On faith, life and the family in Ireland – example from the west
Steven Mosher, On faith, life and the family in China – example from the east
17 May 2019
Fr Kevin O’Reilly OP, Sacrificate sacrificium iustitiae: the transformation wrought by the Cross of Christ
Dr Alan Fimister, No abiding city – the challenge of St Augustine
Fr Linus Clovis, Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae
H.E. Jānis Cardinal Pujats, On topical questions concerning society and the family
H.E. Walter Cardinal Brandmüller, An insight into the pre-history of Humanae vitae
H.E. Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Filial piety and national patriotism as essential virtues of citizens of heaven at work on earth
If you enjoy the talks and reports of this year’s Forum, then do join us at the next Rome Life Forum, 20-21 May, followed by the Rome March for Life on 23 May 2020!