Talks of the Voice of the Family conference in Cardiff
25 September 2019
Voice of the Family had the joy of holding a joint conference with the University Catholic Chaplaincy Cardiff, 6-8 Sept 2019 on the theme “Handing on the deposit of the Faith: the mission of the Catholic family today”. We are very grateful to the University Catholic Chaplaincy in Cardiff for making this blessed weekend possible!
The texts of some of the presentations given at the conference can be accessed through the links below:
Fr Linus Clovis, The final battle between Our Lord and the reign of Satan will be over marriage and the family
Prof. Roberto de Mattei, Family and the Revolution
Maria Madise, Women and the rebuilding of Christian civilisation
John Smeaton, Family under attack – how anti-family sex education is corrupting children and targeting families worldwide
If you enjoy these talks, you may also be interested in receiving Voice of the Family’s quarterly magazine Calx Mariae. Please click here to see the preview of the content page of the most recent edition of the magazine and here to order a copy or to subscribe.