Voice of the Family Manifesto to the world’s bishops
1 November 2021

Pope Francis has launched a two-year synod on “synodality” and a consultation of local parishes to listen to the “cry” of the people. This is taking place at a time in history when there is a worldwide programme of state-sanctioned murder – through abortion, through euthanasia, through IVF procedures – in virtually every country on earth, as well as the indoctrination of children through sex education programmes designed to destroy their innocence.
With this reality in mind, Voice of the Family has prepared a pro-life Manifesto which we aim to post, with the generous help of our supporters, to the world’s 5,300 bishops calling on them to invoke the unique apostolic moral power bestowed on them by Christ before His Ascension and urgently to proclaim the Gospel of Life.
We are appealing to the bishops to hear the cries of around 2 billion unborn children killed over the past thirty years alone which is more than the estimated total number of those killed in all of the wars in recorded human history.
The evils we face today are immeasurably beyond the capacity of the pro-life movement to defeat on its own. The pro-life battle is only one part of a much wider and deeper historic crusade for the restoration of Christian civilisation. However, this fight can only be successful when the immutable moral laws of the Church are taught and adhered to by her members. When the bishops speak the truth of the Gospel in love, their words reverberate with authority, both in the hearts of the faithful and in the hearts of people who do not know Christ – just as Christ’s words did.